COVID-19 Update
Fire agencies in San Diego County have played a crucial role throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. A vaccination process began Dec. 30 for first responders through Operation Collaboration – a partnership that brings together multiple agencies, alongside San Diego County’s Health and Human Services, to vaccinate those who are most exposed to the virus.
The partnership between local fire and San Diego County health agencies has built the framework to move the vaccination process forward efficiently and effectively.
Together with San Diego County Health and Human Services, the Barona Fire Department is a proud participant in Operation Collaboration.
Here is a link for San Diego County Vaccination sites, as well as information about the COVID-19 Vaccine:
Attached are links for Home Quarantine guidance and Home Isolation instructions:
Home Quarantine Guidance for COVID-19 Close Contacts
Home Isolation Instructions for COVID-19

The Barona Fire Department
Welcomes You to Our Website!
The Barona Fire Department was established in 1998 to provide its own dedicated fire service to the residents and patrons of the Barona Reservation. We initially began with six members and now have 20 full-time fire personnel and one administrative person. We are neighbors with Lakeside to the South and Ramona to the North, and have auto-aide agreements with Lakeside Fire Protection District, Ramona Fire Protection District, San Diego Country Fire Department and Central Zone agencies (Heartland Zone) to provide and receive aide in a time of need.
Contact Us: (619) 390-2794

Interactive map of wildfire locations (active/recent) and other sources of information related to wildfires, including social media.